How could you present product information to clients? It is important to prepare the proposal in a clear and simple way for the client, as well as to get their feedback on each property. And this, as we know, is not always possible, right?
After the employee deals with the chaotic links from different companies' Drive Links and finally selects options for the client, they face a new task - presenting the real estate properties. For sending proposals, they use WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Email, etc. This presents several problems and inconveniences. For example, clients might receive property images with incorrect information. Or the email might come in the spam folder and go unnoticed.
Real estate is indeed a unique and significant product in every sense. Therefore, it is necessary to work with high precision and without mistakes, from selecting properties to signing the contract.
Members of solve this problem in a modern and fast way. Choose products that match your client's criteria on Create a proposal. Send the link to the proposal to the client via email or WhatsApp. When the client follows the link, they can see all the selected options on a single page, explore them, and evaluate each one. You can then review the selection and the client's evaluations again. Access will be open at any time without restrictions. Based on the client's comments on, you can create a new selection of options.